
...i did not get the record player. because the seller didnt respond to my call. but anyways, we went to the con! it was nothing special though, thats just how things are in my country haha. i did enjoy the train rides and traveling around the city though. the artist alley was pretty great and i bought a print of almost all of my favorite slashers <33 i spent the entire day working on this website like always, only sometimes taking a break to either eat or read my book.


does it even count as a new day if i didnt sleep a single hour? whatever. i am currently waiting for the bus, as i will be going out of town soon to meet up with my friend and go to a convention together. i absolutely cant wait :-) its definitely going to be a blast, not to mention ill love the two hour long train ride to the con itself. it also depends on how things turn out today but either today or on sunday i get my first record player! extremely excited for that one too.
